Thoughts on Leadership
Creative and effective leadership is an important quality for those who teach. What makes a good leader? The following observation, made by one who successfully led a nation during some of its most trying years in the 1940's is worth considering:
Leadership can be assumed through assertion and continued by enforcement, but better yet is the leadership assumed by qualification and maintained by virtue of its achievement. The first survives through fear, the latter is strengthened by deserved loyalty
Winston Churchill
Students in a class on music teaching methods were asked to expand on this quotation. Here are some of their thoughts . . .
"Leadership through force has its effect solely on outward actions. It may gain the desired effect, and be correct in every way, but real leadership has not taken place. Real leadership has taken place when lives have been changed and when those following have been led to greater self awareness."
"A man called Hitler was a leader who ruled a nation through fear and force. A man called Jesus Christ called men to a kingdom of love and freedom. The fruits of both are now a matter of history. As teachers we have the opportunity of taking the theoretical and making it real, all within the context of a warm and meaningful rapport with our students."
"Teenagers are not dumb. They can see through a phony, someone who is not qualified. Real learning does not occur in an atmosphere of fear."
"Both the teacher and the student have a common goal - musical excellence. When the teacher says ‘We need,’ instead of ‘I want,’ he or she is already on his or her way towards establishing a feeling of common interest or ‘group spirit,’ which is necessary for the right kind of discipline."
from Leaders, by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, Harper and Row 1985:
In a survey of successful executives it was found that they spent 90% of their time with others and with other’s messy problems. The best leaders in whatever setting were those who maintained a "positive self Regard," a sense of self that inspired self-confidence in others."
In this same study it was found that positive self-regard is related to a maturity that is referred to as "emotional Wisdom" - a wisdom expressed in five key skills:
Many of the qualities that can be listed for teaching are also desirable for those who lead . . .